Retail News

Are you a Retail Manager or Leader?

When discussing the capabilities of retail managers, conversations often circle around skills like managing a sales team, coaching and training, managing the store budget and visual merchandising.  It is true that these skills are important to the successful management of a retail store. However, the difference between an excellent retail manager and a good one…

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Stand Out from the Crowd

Australia has a poor reputation for receiving quality service from retail staff. Staff are notorious for being poorly trained and unskilled at handling customers’ needs.  Which shopper hasn’t experienced a retail staff member who did not understand the basics of customer service, failed to ask questions to understand your needs, did not know about their…

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What are you Measuring in your Retail Business?

Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) are metrics that are used to evaluate the performance and growth of a business. For a retailer it enables you to understand what is happening with your business every day. Often these numbers are a way to measure the achievement of company goals and determine the right strategies moving forward. 

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Increase Retail Profitability Through Margin Management

The ultimate goal of a retail manager is to make a net profit for your store. While you might be a manager or store owner because you love your job or you love what you sell, the only way your store and business can survive is through making money. Management and leadership capabilities are key…

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Are you problem solving or problem finding?

How comfortable are you with solving issues in your retail management or leadership role? I was reading an interesting article recently in Forbes magazine by Glenn Llopis on leadership. Its key focus was that problem solving is the essence of what leaders do.

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The Ultimate Goal of Every Retailer

Once upon a time retail was simple. A retailer could open a shop, stock it with products and watch customers walk in and buy. Today retail is a completely different story.  To be successful, a retailer needs to be capable in a plethora of skills including people management, sales, marketing, finances, leadership, coaching, buying, competitor…

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Let Your Hot Spots do the Selling for You

One of the easiest ways to boost sales is to take advantage of your silent sales person – that is your visual merchandising. Visual merchandising can convert a shopper into one who stops and walks into your store instead of one who continues to walk on by. The reality is we only have 3 seconds…

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Tips to Reduce Staff Turnover

Retailers have always struggled with high staff turnover– this is not a new phenomenon. The trouble with this is that employee turnover is disruptive, expensive and can affect team morale. However, what can retailers do to solve the problem? This article examines 3 key strategies for reducing staff turnover. Review your culture One of the…

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